题 目:Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds
主讲人:Alessandro Stroppa (Ph.D)
CNR-SPIN Institute, Italy
时 间:2016年3月7日(周一)下午15:00
地 点:九龙湖365wm完美体育下载老楼三楼小会议室
His expertise is mainly based on solid-state physics and material science using Density Functional Theory methods for the study of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties using all-electrons as well as pseudopotential approaches implemented in numerical codes as FLAPW, ESPRESSO and VASP.
Physics degree in 2002, L'Aquila University (Prof. A. Continenza, Dr. S. Picozzi), with thesis in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors.
PhD in University of Trieste, Dept. Theoretical Physics (2003-2006), with Prof. M. Peressi (thesis on heterostructure based systems).
Post-doc in Vienna (VASP group, Prof. G. Kresse) (2006-2008), mainly working on hybrid functional calculations in condensed matter physics.
From 2008-2013, temporary research staff in CNR-SPIN working in multiferroic physics (S. Picozzi).
In November 2012 he became permanent staff member at CNR-SPIN Institute in Italy.