9月6日学术报告通知(报告人 李全)


题目:Stimuli-Directing Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures:

From Dynamic Photonics to Renewable Energy



主讲人:李全Quan Li

Liquid Crystal Institute and Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA http://www.lcinet.kent.edu/users/qli180/PI/Li.htm




Liquid crystals (LCs) represent a fascinating state of matter which combines order and mobility on a molecular and supramolecular level. The unique combination of order and mobility results in that LC is typically “soft” and responds easily to external stimuli. The responsive nature and diversity of LCs provide tremendous opportunities as well as challenges for insights in fundamental science, and open the door to various applications. Conventional nematic LCs have become the quintessential materials of LC displays. With the LC displays ubiquitous in our daily life and annual more than $100 billion market, the research and development of LCs are moving rapidly beyond display applications and evolving into entirely new and fascinating scientific frontiers. In my talk, I will focus on our recent research and development on stimuli-directing liquid crystalline nanostructures: from dynamic photonics (camouflage, laser steering, photodisplay, etc.) to energy saving and generation.


李全教授,目前就职于美国肯特州立大学,担任液晶研究所主任、资深高级研究员、教授、博士生导师;先后在中科院上海药物研究所、香港科技大学、法国原子能委员会、德国哥廷根大学和美国俄勒冈大学等多所大学和研究机构工作,曾入选德国洪堡学者和1999年中国科学院百人计划2014年获美国肯特州立大学杰出学者奖。李全教授在化学及材料领域的研究成果已发表在NatureJACSAngewAdvanced Materials等学术期刊上,主编英文专著7部,部分成果已被Nature相关期刊等多次评论和和报道。近几年,李全教授作为首席科学家,主持多项美国国防部、美国空军、美国陆军、美国能源部、美国国家航空和太空管理局(NASA)以及美国自然科学基金委员会等部门资助,项目经费总计1800万美元,并多次受邀国际重要学术会议做主题报告。




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