11月27日学术报告通知(报告人Prof. Zhen Cheng)


题  目:Molecular Imaging Diseases with Color and Dark Materials

主讲人:程震教授(Prof. Zhen Cheng

Stanford University

时  间:20161127日上午1030

地  点:365wm完美体育下载老楼307大会议室



 现已发表SCI论文180余篇,其中封面文章9篇。总影响因子大于1000H因子44;论文被引用次数7300余次(Google Scholar)。多篇论文工作被新闻媒体和专业杂志报道。曾多次被邀请在本专业的国际会议上作大会特邀报告(20多次),担任分会主席等。应邀作为评审专家为多个国际基金,大学或研究机构如美国国立卫生研究院、美国国防部、美国能源部、中国自然科学基金重点项目、德国科研基金会、法国国家研究机构等评选基金申请。同时担任Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine副主编,Frontiers in Biomedical Physics 副主编,Current Molecular Imaging北美地区总编,多个专业期刊如Clinical Cancer Research, Amino Acid编委及特邀总编,一百多个专业期刊如Nature NanotechnologyNature CommunicationsAngewandte Chemie International EditionScience Translational MedicineJACSCancer Research, JNM等的审稿人。



Prof. Cheng is the director of Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL), Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford and Bio-X Program Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection, Stanford University. The overall objective of Cheng’s laboratory is to develop novel molecular imaging probes and techniques for non-invasive detection of cancer and its metastasis at the earliest stage, so that cancer can be cured or transformed into a chronic, manageable disease. In order to achieve this goal, they aim to identify novel cancer biomarkers with significant clinical relevance, develop new chemistry for probes preparation, and validate new strategies for probes high-throughput screening.

Over 180 SCI papers were published and nine of them are cover papers. Total impact factor is above 1000. H-factor is 44. According to google scholar, published papers have been cited more than 7300 times. Lots of his research works were reported by press and professional journals, and many international conferences in the field of molecular imaging have invited him for academic report (more than 20 times) or as branch chairman. More than one international foundation, institution or universities, such as U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, National Natural Science Foundation of China,Research Foundation of German, French National Research Institute, have invited him as assessment expert to evaluate foundation applications. He is also the Deputy Editor of Nanomed.-Nanotechnol. Biol. Med., Front. Biomed. Phys., the North America Chief Editor of Curr. Mol. Imaging, and the editorial board or invited editor-in-chief of many other journals, such asClin.Cancer Res., Amino Acid. He is also the reviewer of more than a hundred journals, such as Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., Sci. Transl. Med., JACS,Cancer Rese., JNM.

He was the director of board of Radiological Drugs Committee of American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging during 2012-2014. He is currently the chairman of China-U.S. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. In 2009, he was the member of the Image Guiding Drug Administration white-book work group of U.S. National Cancer Institute. His research programs are supported by the foundation of U.S. NIH, DOD, DOE, et al, and he has also directed or participated in more than 20 research projects.

Close academic exchanges are performed in many international institutions, such as Nanyang Technological University, Purdue University,University of California, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Toronto, et al.

联系人:王怡红 教授



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