10月18日学术报告通知(报告人Prof. Liu Mingyao)


题 目:Translational Medicine: from bedside tobench and back again

主讲人:Prof. Liu Mingyao

 University of Toronto (多伦多大学)

时 间:20171018日(周三)下午1600

地 点:九龙湖校区365wm完美体育下载新楼315会议室





Dr. Liu Mingyao is Director of Institute of Medical Science and aProfessor of Surgery, Medicine and Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine,University of Toronto. He is James and Mary Davie Chair in Lung Injury, Repairand Regeneration and Head of Respiratory and Critical Care Research at theToronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Network.

University of Toronto Lung Transplantation Program and Latner ThoracicSurgery Research Laboratories are one of the leading groups in clinicalpractice and translational research in lung transplantation worldwide. Dr. Liuis a co-founders of this team. His major research is to study the cellular andmolecular mechanisms of acute lung injury, especially in lung transplantation.He demonstrated that lung epithelial cells as a source of cytokines ininflammatory response, intracellular signal transduction pathways astherapeutic targets, and roles of multiple cell death pathways in acute lunginjury. He has developed nano-particle based drug delivery systems. A drugdiscovery/delivery pipeline has been developed in the Toronto team, includingcell culture for high throughput screening for therapeutic targets, mouse/ratlung transplant models for in vivo testing, and pig lung transplant and ex vivolung perfusion system for pre-clinical trials.

His lab also discovered a novel adaptor protein, XB130, for signaltransduction, and demonstrated its role in cell survival, proliferation,migration and regulation of gene expression. Using xb130 knock out mice, theyare studying the role of XB130 in lung injury and repair. Dr. Liu has published276 peer-reviewed research articles (Google Scholar citation 13,344, H-index61, i10-index 192). He has received a number of research awards, includingQueen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Dr. Liu has taken several academic administrative roles in the Universityof Toronto, including Graduate Coordinator, Associate Director/Interim Directorat the Institute of Medical Science, Associate Dean of Life Sciences of theSchool of Graduate Studies, and Director of International Research Relations,at the Faculty of Medicine.


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