


副研究员 硕士生导师

个人简介2016年在浙江大学获博士学位,之后于爱尔兰科克大学从事博士后研究,师从爱尔兰工程院院士、国际能源署生物能源首席科学家Jerry D Murphy教授。20232月加入东南大学任副研究员。自博士毕业起主持2项企业研发项目、1项爱尔兰基金委国家可再生能源研究中心MaREI国际合作项目;参与欧盟地平线Horizon 2020“BioWILL”项目、爱尔兰基金委Science Foundation Ireland项目及中国国家自然科学基金重点项目。研究成果在Trends in BiotechnologyRenewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsChemical Engineering Journal等高水平期刊发表。




  • 2011-2016 浙江大学 博士

  • 2007-2011 华中科技大学 学士


  • 2018-2023 爱尔兰科克大学 博士后研究员


  • 2023 365wm完美体育下载 上岗副研究员 硕士生导师

  • 2016-2018 中冶华天工程技术有限公司 研发工程师


[1] 生物质高值化利用

[2] CO2生物//电协同催化转化

[3] 生物催化新材料及应用


[1] C Deng, R Lin, X Kang, B Wu, X Ning, D Wall, JD Murphy. Co-production of hydrochar, levulinic acid and value-added chemicals by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of seaweed. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022,441:135915.

[2] R Lin, C Deng*, W Zhang*, F Hollmann, JD Murphy*. Production of Bio-alkanes from Biomass and CO2. Trends in Biotechnology. 2021,39(4):370-380.

[3] C Deng, R Lin, X Kang, B Wu, R O’Shea, JD Murphy. Improving gaseous biofuel yield from seaweed through a cascading circular bioenergy system integrating anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2020,128:109895.

[4] C Deng, X Kang, R Lin, JD Murphy. Microwave assisted low-temperature hydrothermal treatment of solid anaerobic digestate for optimising hydrochar and energy recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020,395:124999.

[5] C Deng, R Lin, J Cheng, JD Murphy. Can acid pre-treatment enhance biohydrogen and biomethane production from grass silage in single-stage and two-stage fermentation processes? Energy Conversion and Management. 2019,195:738-747.

[6] C Deng, R Lin, X Kang, B Wu, DM Wall, JD Murphy. Improvement in biohydrogen and volatile fatty acid production from seaweed through addition of conductive carbon materials depends on the properties of the conductive materials. Energy. 2021:122188.

[7] C Deng, R Lin, X Kang, B Wu, DM Wall, JD Murphy. What physicochemical properties of biochar facilitate interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion: A case study of digestion of whiskey by-products. Fuel. 2021,306:121736.

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